
CATIA V5-6R2018: eBook 3-Pack

CATIA V5-6 2018: eBook 3-Pack 3fab284f-6172-437f-a009-658bc7e4a3fb

CATIA V5-6R2018: eBook 3-Pack Sample Chapters

For a limited time, get the following three ASCENT eBooks for only $99.
  • CATIA V5-6 2018 Introduction to Modeling 
  • CATIA V5-6 2018 Advanced Part Design 
  • CATIA V5-6 2018 Advanced Assembly Design & Management
All 3 eBooks are in full color and be downloaded on your PC or mobile device to have access to fundamental through advanced learning content at your fingertips, when you need it.
This 3-Pack is only available until May 15, 2020.

ASCENT eBooks are delivered through the VitalSource Bookshelf e-textbook platform. This format enables you to access your eBook in three ways.

  1. Download your eBook to your personal computer and open it in the free VitalSource Bookshelf application. No Internet connection is required after you download your eBook to the VitalSource Bookshelf.
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    • iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad (requires iOS 11 or later)
    • Android Smart Phones & Tablets (requires Android 5.0 and higher)
  3. Access your eBook online from any Internet-connected device with a modern browser.


Please Note:

  • Dual monitors, tablet, or separate reader device is recommended to facilitate use of the eBook with the software throughout the course.
  • eBooks are intended for single user use only. License code restrictions prevent multi-user access or use on networks.
  • eBook file is not a printable PDF, and intended for electronic use only.
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Printed materials are in black & white

  • Software TitleCATIA
  • Software VersionV5-6R2018
  • Training TypesLearning Guide
  • Formats AvailableeBook
  • Autodesk Authorized PublisherNo