
Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Experienced 3D CAD Users

Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Experienced 3D CAD Users 4d213722-0c1a-468f-b83a-002dde848237
Total number of pages: 1196
Total hours: 24

Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Experienced 3D CAD Users

The Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Experienced 3D CAD Users learning guide is intended to provide accelerated introductory training in the Creo Parametric 10.0 software. The guide is for users that have 3D modeling design experience with other 3D CAD software packages (e.g., CATIA™, Inventor™, NX™, SolidWorks®, and so on).

This hands-on, practice-intensive guide is designed so that experienced 3D CAD users who are new to Creo Parametric can benefit from a shorter, introductory-level, learning guide. In this guide, you learn how to find and use the modeling tools associated with familiar modeling strategies in other 3D CAD software. The topics covered will provide you with the knowledge to complete the modeling process for a part - from creating models using conceptual sketching, through to solid modeling, assembly design, and drawing production.

This content was developed using Creo Parametric 10.0.

Topics Covered in Chapters 1 to 10 (Part 1)
• Creo Parametric fundamentals and interface
• Manipulate a model
• Part creation and modification
• Creo Parametric file management
• Sketching and creating geometry
• Sketcher mode functionality (sketching and dimensioning)
• Creating holes, fillets, and shells
• Datum features
• Sweeps and blends
• Feature management

Topics Covered in Chapters 11 to 19 (Part 2)
• Duplication techniques (patterns, mirroring)
• Creating relations to capture design intent
• Parent/Child relationships in Creo Parametric models
• Feature failure resolution
• Model Analysis
• Working with multiple bodies
• Design documentation and detailing 
• Assembly creation and manipulation
• Creo Parametric customization
• Effective modeling techniques

• Access to the Creo Parametric 10.0 version of the software, to ensure compatibility with this guide. The practices and files included with this guide might not be compatible with prior versions (e.g., 8.0.2). The practice files included with this guide are compatible with the commercial version of the software, but not the student edition. 
• Experience in mechanical design and drawing production is recommended.

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  • Dual monitors or separate reader device recommended to facilitate use with software.
  • eBooks are intended for single-user use only. License restrictions prevent multi-user or network access.
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Printed materials are in black & white

  • Software TitleCreo Parametric
  • Software Version10.0
  • Training TypesLearning Guide
  • Formats AvailablePrint
  • Total Number of Pages:1196
  • Total Hours:24
  • Autodesk Authorized PublisherNo