
Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Non-Designers

Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Non-Designers 8977b68b-9f38-4ba9-92c3-c0e1f8b6c1ba
Total number of pages: 640
Total hours: 16

Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Non-Designers

The Creo Parametric 10.0: Introduction for Non-Designers learning guide provides reviewers or downstream users of Creo Parametric data with the knowledge to investigate, manipulate, and annotate existing models. It is targeted at users who require less training in geometry creation techniques. The user learns to open models for the purpose of providing feedback, verification, image capture, and taking data into specialized modules. This learning guide provides a good introduction to Creo Parametric for users who are evaluating the software or need a high-level understanding of the software’s capabilities.

This content was developed using Creo Parametric 10.0.

Topics Covered:
•  Creo Parametric interface
•  Obtaining model information
•  Display control
•  Creating datum features
•  View manager
•  3D annotations
•  Creating planar and offset cross-sections
•  View creating and detailing
•  File management
•  Exporting and importing data

• Access to the Creo Parametric 10.0 version of the software, to ensure compatibility with this guide. The practices and files included with this guide might not be compatible with prior versions (e.g., 8.0.2). The practice files included with this guide are compatible with the commercial version of the software, but not the student edition. 

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Printed materials are in black & white

  • Software TitleCreo Parametric
  • Software Version10.0
  • Training TypesLearning Guide
  • Formats AvailablePrint
  • Total Number of Pages:640
  • Total Hours:16
  • Autodesk Authorized PublisherNo