
Creo Parametric 8.0: Cable and Harness Design

Creo Parametric 8.0: Cable and Harness Design 6e36b751-dc17-46b0-ae55-0debaea1fa03
Total number of pages: 380
Total hours: 24

Creo Parametric 8.0: Cable and Harness Design

As an experienced user in the basics of Creo Parametric 8.0, this learning guide enables you to create electromechanical cabling systems designed in Creo Parametric using the Piping and Cabling Extension. Utilizing the parametric and associative nature of Creo Parametric, an electromechanical designer can easily create realistic 3D cabling assemblies, wire lists, bill of material tables, and nail-board drawings. The Creo Parametric 8.0: Cable and Harness Design learning guide contains numerous practices to give you practical experience that will improve your job performance.

This content was developed using Creo Parametric 8.0, Build

Topics Covered:

• Cabling Process Overview
• Cabling Terminology
• Environment and Configuration Setup
• Electromechanical Model Setup
• Manual Designation and Parameters
• Manual Spools
• Manual Cabling Features
• Logical Reference Technique
• Routing Methods
• Modifying Cabling Assemblies
• Additional Routing Features
• Networking
• Cabling Assembly Deliverables

• Access to the Creo Parametric 8.0 software. The practices and files included with this guide might not be compatible with prior versions. Practice files included with this guide are compatible with the commercial version of the software, but not the learning edition.
• It is recommended that you have completed the Creo Parametric 8.0: Introduction to Solid Modeling learning guide or have equivalent experience.

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  • Dual monitors or separate reader device recommended to facilitate use with software.
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Printed materials are in black & white

  • Software TitleCreo Parametric
  • Software Version8.0
  • Training TypesLearning Guide
  • Formats AvailablePrint
  • Total Number of Pages:380
  • Total Hours:24
  • Autodesk Authorized PublisherNo